Monday, August 16, 2010

My super sense of smell and super absent mind.

As you all know, Allie has just complete one official week of kindergarten and is beginning her second.  It's a really nice school. . . kids have it made now. I guess I don't remember much of kindergarten other than little Stevie who threw up all over his desk on the first day. Yep, that would be my first boyfriend. . .

Anyway, they ask us to pack snacks for the kids everyday. . . I don't remember getting snacks in kindergarten but they request we pack 2 snacks - one for the morning and then another one for if they stay after school.  So I've started doing this for Allie. . . she loves hard-boiled eggs and so one day early last week I packed her a hard boiled egg.  Get this - she actually likes eating the yolk in the middle and so when she came home from school she complained to me because I had cut the yolk out of the egg and she had wanted to eat.  So she didn't eat the egg.  I usually clean out her backpack when she gets home and noticed the egg container was missing. . . I asked Allie where it was and she just shrugged.  Ok, I thought, she probably just left it laying somewhere at school.  Whatever, I figured this was bound to happen sooner or later - what's one container lost?

On Thursdays they're supposed to have gym class so on Thursday morning I packed her gym shoes in her backpack so she could change into them at school.  They ended up not having gym class for the first week I guess.  On Friday morning I was packing her snacks into her bag and I noticed it smelled a little, I assumed it was the gym shoes we had left in the bag so I took them out.  It still smelled a little so I threw a nice smelly dryer sheet into the bottom of her bag which kinda helped a little.

She usually leaves her bag by the front door in the kitchen.  All weekend we were working on different painting projects in the kitchen. . . Auntie Emily gave her a really nice wooden stool she had made in her sculpture class which we finished painting and I found an old cork board laying around.  We painted the frame pink and covered it with cute fabric and put it up in Allie's room so she can hang her artwork and other things on it.  All the while we are working in the kitchen I started noticing a "dead animal" smell.  I initially I thought it was some decaying fish we had the night before in the trashcan so I emptied the trash. . .that helped a little but the smell persisted but wasn't that strong so I thought it would go away.

On Sunday the smell became stronger.  I kept asking Jason - do you smell that?? He couldn't smell it as strongly as me.  I peak under the kitchen cabinets looking for a dead rat or mouse.  Did one of my guinea pigs die and I not notice?  Blondie, who is now the oldest, hides under a blanket all day long so I thought it was a possibility she had died under there and I hadn't seen her for a couple day. Checked on all the guinea pigs. .  .still all alive.  We could only figure that a mouse or rat had died under the porch right under our door because we could always smell it by the front door.

This morning I woke up and started getting Allie ready for school - the smell was HORRIBLE.  It had the definite dead animal smell.  I figured we were just going to have to wait it out because there was no way anyone was going to crawl under the porch and fetch this dead animal so we went about our business getting ready for school.  Allie grabbed her backpack and we walked down to the car all the while I thought I could smell this "dead animal" smell every where.  We get to the car and she climbs in her seat and I go to buckle her in and I noticed the "dead animal" smell in my car. . ."what is going on!?" I'm thinking. Suddenly I realize this smell is coming from Allie's backpack!! "Oh my gosh, did a mouse crawl in your backpack and die!??"  I start carefully looking through her backpack, taking everything out, terrified I'm going to find a dead mouse in the bottom. Finally, I spot a little side pocket and cautiously open it and find my lost container. . . I go to pull it out and the lid is not fully on . . . about a million maggots come out with it!!! I'm horrified and throw the container and backpack on the ground. . . bingo. I've finally found the culprit!  Allie is sitting in her seat holding her nose saying "I'm sorry Mom! I forgot!" as I'm freaking out and am not sure what to do!  Yes, what once was an egg has become a nasty putrefied breeding ground for maggots in my daughter's backpack. Probably one of the grossest things I have ever seen - a terrible way to start the morning. I threw the container in the garbage and run up to the house to grab her another backpack throwing the other one on the ground next to the washing machine.  So yeah, from now on I will be checking every pocket for lost containers.  Lesson learned.

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